Hi, I'm Shelley, a writer, copy editor and chocolate wine enthusiast. I enjoy a sip of ChocoVine of an evening, and when I tell my husband we need more he calls me a wino. And then we laugh and laugh.
My backstory includes more than a decade in print journalism, over the years working as a reporter, columnist, copy editor, page designer and editor. Along the way, I fell into writing and performing stand-up comedy for a few years as a hobby/way to find interesting stuff to do on vacation (nothing cooler than doing guest spots on your holiday in London!). Nowadays I'm a freelance copy editor and writer. I'm obsessed with great books, TV and podcasts, and write about that and more at Choco Wino's Magazine Wine Party.
You can find me at:
email: chocowino9090@gmail.com
(To be honest, I don't check email daily, but it is a thing that happens.)